Chqbook App (WIP)

An app for Kiranawalas & small business/ shop owners in India, for record-keeping of customer transactions and managing orders for suppliers.

Along with which the app offers loans, current account and credit cards to small business owners, who find it difficult to get these from traditional bank.

Timeline: Mid Dec, 2019 – Mar 2020
Deliverables: Android App
Role: UX/UI Designer

01. Research

Primary Research / User Interviews / Market Research / Competitive Analysis

Conducting User interviews and market research


Registers & books maintained for Credit given, recording transactions and listing orders to be placed.

Key Insights

The target audience is used to mobile phones and basic usage of apps such as Whatsapp, YouTube and often watch TikTok videos in their free time.

The app would need to be designed in a way that could be used in multiple languages and is simple and intuitive to these users.

02. Define

Pain points / POV + HMW / Rapid Prototyping / Personas

Identifying Pain-points of small shop & business owners & HMW/solutions

  • A single place, only dedicated to control all financial tasks related to a small business like a Kirana store, Pharmacy or similar does not exist as of today.

  • Owners of such businesses are not using technology to manage their business which results in lack of efficiency needed to grow their business.

  • Due to the lack of identification, education, awareness, and credit worthy documentation, such business owners do not have great access to financial services needed to fuel growth.

  • Many orders are now being paid through mediums like PayTM and likes so customers expect more digital savviness.

  • Available digital products are not very easy to use for these business owners.

  • A great rewards or loyalty program for such businesses is essential to keep them motivated

  • Banks and most of the current financial services are not designed for this audience.

View all Pain-points

Copy of Chqbook Project App Update - Pain points solutions (WIP)1.jpg
Copy of Chqbook Project App Update - Pain points solutions (WIP).jpg

The final requirement gathering was done after incorporating some insights gained from the interviews and clarifying doubts regarding modules, with the help of the Project Managers and the Chqbook’s key stakeholders leading to a final Product document which helped us make quick paper sketches and prototypes.

Questions, feedback & clarifications

Questions, feedback & clarifications

Rapid Paper & digital Prototyping exercises

03. Ideate

Information Architecture / Red Route Analysis / User Flows / Task Flows

Chqbook v.1.jpg

User Flows

Onboarding journey for the 1st time & 2nd time users, where they will be onboarded with the help of videos, as was found after research wherein the users watch Tiktok videos and on-boarding them using playing videos of other Chqbook users and tutorials would be relatable and engaging for them.

Here are the flows for the other modules - Current Account, Rewards, Record-keeping (Khatabook) along with Loan and Credit card application journeys.

Onboarding flow

Onboarding flow

Current account UX Flow

Current account UX Flow

Credit Card UX Flow

Credit Card UX Flow

Khatabook UX Flow

Khatabook UX Flow

Loans Application Flow

Loans Application Flow


Red Route analysis for each module and the main and individual dashboards


Persona development


