Finding a parameter within the site and to study it further as a concept. To portray that parameter through a material and then design based on the parameter selected.
Interconnection of structures and streets through small narrow gaps and passways .The voids between masses act as links, forming a weave, making it a dense interconnected network.
There are interesting activities that take place in these gaps, small scale activities such as hawkers, tea vendors, dhobiwallas, etc, make use of the space available, personalising and adapting the space as required. 

For the various activities that took place in these nooks and crannies, I saw these people and activities as very temporary. For that reason, I thought of having spaces which would be used in that manner. i thought of having the programme as an experimental theatre. 





Floral Foam (above), Plaster of Paris(upper right), Foam(right) and Balsa Wood- 3mm (extreme right)